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Summary of our wines

​Order conditions

- Via this website using the attached form

- By email (

- By telephone (+33 5 65 36 58 63)

- At wine fairs

- Or by direct sale at the property


​Only when we confirm the feasibility and delivery times with you

- Credit/debit cards (in person)

- Cash (in person)

- Check

- Transfer (  IBAN : FR76 1120 6000 8150 0116 1593 440  )


​In France, delivery costs are €50 for 1 to 4 boxes of 6 bottles and €55 for 5 to 6 boxes of 6 when out of our normal delivery road. 

If your order is for an amount greater than €400,
we cover delivery costs to any address in mainland France.

Think about grouping friends, colleagues, neighbors!

In Belgium, free delivery for 24 bottles or more...

Send us your order ! 

We will take note of it and recontact you as soon as possible to comfirm it.


It's sent!


​Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
thank you for your trust

Modes de paiement 
Contact us ...

Address : Château Latuc, 80 chemin de Laborie, 46700 Mauroux

Phone : +33 5 65 36 58 63

Email :


From order to delivery, our explanations

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  • Facebook Social Icône

Thank you !

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